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Showing posts from 2013

Catechism #1

Question: Who am I? Answer: I am a child of God. “We are all children of God.” That is a remark I hear made many times, but it is not true for everyone. We are not all children of God. We are all His creations, but not all are His children. As the Creator, God is the one who formed us in the womb (Psalm 139:13, Jeremiah 1:5). Just as God breathed into Adam’s “nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7)”, so He continues to form mankind today. But many of those whom God created have rejected Him as their Lord. They are not the children of God. One is not simply a child of God by creation, but by adoption. The Bible teaches this concept of adoption into the family of God in John 1:12: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” In order to become a child of God, one must believe on His name and receive Him as Lord. Catechism is for believers, so if that is...

Where Did Jesus Go? Pre-Order

Where Did Jesus Go? is now available to pre-order in paperback (with free shipping) here. The eBook format will be available soon.

The Christmas Bells

In 1863 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote a poem he called “Christmas Bells.” The poem was written on Christmas Day and was a reflection of the emotion that Longfellow was feeling at the time. The poem was shortened considerably and made into a Christmas carol in 1872, and it has been a favorite of many ever since. Here is the original poem in its entirety: I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
their old, familiar carols play,                                       and wild and sweet the words repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men! And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom                           Had rolled along the unbroken song of peace on earth, ...

Ducks, Cakes, and Other Stupid Boycotts

The purpose of this post is not to defend Phil Robertson or his comments. In fact, I don’t think that is the main objective of any of the Duck Dynasty patriarch’s supporters. What is alarming to many of us is that Phil’s rights end when homosexuals’ rights advance. I realize that the 1 st Amendment doesn’t guarantee that Phil be on a reality show; however, I think we all realize what would happen if the roles were reversed. Who is the last person to lose a job, sponsorship, or their reputation for slandering or “judging” those of us who stand for the sanctity of marriage? Every person who calls us intolerant, hateful, bigots, religious nuts, homophobic, and any of the other divisive insults is doing the same thing Phil Robertson did. Some might argue what they are doing is worse. How is that worse? Robertson only answered a question (much like Mr. Cathy from Chick-fil-A did). Would we rather Robertson lie? That might be the norm for politicians, but dishonesty should...

Catechism Introduction

When you hear the word catechism you might get a mental picture of 1 st Century Christian leaders debating what they would believe as a church. Or maybe you think of Catholicism. Perhaps you get a little nervous, like a 4 th grade student at a spelling bee, as if you will have to stand in front of the church and properly recite the church by-laws. It’s also likely you have never even heard the word catechism. But catechism is not scary, and should not be reserved for the ultra religious. By definition, catechism is simply, “a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians.”   Catechism is a series of questions and concise answers; they are easily memorized, and can teach believers young and old the basics of our faith. It is an easy way to learn doctrine. The Bible instructs us to learn God’s Word: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ash...

Where Did Jesus Go?

Have you ever wondered where Jesus went after He died? Did He go to heaven or hell? Did His soul remain in the tomb? Where Did Jesus Go? explores where Jesus spent the time between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and it offers an in-depth look at many places that people are curious about, including Heaven, Paradise, and New Jerusalem Hell, Hades, and the Lake of Fire; and Gahenna, Tartarus, and Purgatory. Come find out for yourself where Jesus’ soul was while His body was in the tomb. Get the book on sale, with free shipping, here.