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Showing posts from September, 2015

Answering God's Call and Kim Davis

This past Sunday our Bible study classes at Philippi began using Answering God’s Call for the Fall curriculum. I began writing this about a year ago, long before we knew who Kim Davis was, but I believe it was timely. This goes to show that we are not jumping on the Kim Davis bandwagon, but instead are trying to simply live out our faith the way the Bible instructs. Here is page 11 from the book: We need to obey the rules. Romans 13:1 teaches believers to “be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” It is hard to imagine how God could allow people like this Pharaoh to rise to power, but He is sovereign and nothing happens without God either authoring or allowing it. But even though we are supposed to obey the rulers placed as authorities in our lives, sometimes those leaders will command us to do something that is in opposition to God’s Word. In those cases we are to obey God instead...

Kim Davis: Jailed for Her Faith

We are in uncharted waters in this country. We have two groups whose rights have put them on a collision course with each other, and instead of protecting both groups, the solution seems to be to prosecute one and champion the other. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion in this country, but it does so much more than that. Freedom of religion is more than just the freedom to go to church or own a Bible. Freedom of religion does us no good without her sister, the free exercise of religion. This means that, not only are we free to go to church and read the Bible, we are free to live out the principles that the church and the Bible teach. The teachings of Scripture are not to be confined to inside the four walls of the church or the home, but they are meant to be freely lived out in our places of work, schooling, and communities. These teachings make up a worldview that governs the daily actions of the Christian. They are not one part of the ...

Using the Bible to Bash Kim Davis

Before you use the Bible to try to criticize Kim Davis, there are a few things you should know. The Bible doesn’t work like a game of Scrabble; you can’t take random letters and words and use them to suit your current needs. So here are some responses to some of the critics I have seen over the last few days. 1. Yes, Kim Davis has been married four times, divorced three times, and had children out of wedlock. By her own admission she has made many mistakes, but the aforementioned indiscretions were committed before she came to Christ four years ago. The Bible speaks strongly against divorce (although some divorces are justified) and premarital and extramarital relations. But it teaches that when a person turns to Jesus, he becomes a “new creation; the old things have passed away, and behold, all things are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17).” Using her mistakes from her life without Christ to call her a hypocrite is inconsistent. Furthermore, like I said in my post about Josh...