Has Christianity become boring to you? I love to be around people who come to the faith later in life because they seem to have an enthusiasm that most do not. People who were raised in the church often lose that zeal as they age. That can be a problem for the church if the majority of its attenders are not all that excited to be there. Many would argue that the church has plateaued because of theological compromise or doctrinal anemia (a serious problem, to be sure), but according to Trevin Wax, that is not the number one issue. In the opening line to his book The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Wax wrote, “The church faces her biggest challenge not when new errors start to win but when old truths no longer wow.” Errors creeping in to a church is never a good thing, and one of my passions is to zealously defend the truth from heresy, especially the subtleties that sneak in under cover. But, according to Wax, a worse problem is when we no longer wow—when we lose tha...