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Interview With Brandy Allison

Last week I interviewed new Christian recording artist Brandy Allison. Her debut album, as well as music video, have just been released, and she has graciously agreed to give away a copy of her new CD through this blog.

To enter the contest for the free CD you only need to do 2 things: either like her Facebook page or follow her on Twitter, and then comment here that you did. It's that simple. After 2 weeks a winner will be randomly chosen. But first, here is a chance to get to know Brandy:

When did you know you wanted to be a recording artist?  
I’ve always dreamed of being a recording artist since the age of 3.  I sang in Country music all my life, touring the South East with bands, ect.  Every night in the lime light singing country music I use to say to myself “There is no purpose to this.” I lost focus. Then I got married to my husband in 2005.  I decided to go on the road with him, and be a housewife. I wanted a family more than a music career, but I still always dreamed of being a well-known artist, and continued to sing in the bedroom at home, in the car (I would go into concert).  Several years later—2010—a tragedy fell upon me and changes went into the works. This was “a life changing experience.”

What was it like shooting your first music video? 
Wow, first of all, I was just amazed at how God was working in my life since I had truly given myself to Him, not only was it my first music video, but I was doing this to glorify Him, after all that I had been through, and what I was going through, I was just amazed.  I was really nervous, when the producer said “action” GOD given strength came over me, a strength I had finally learned to recognize.  He took over, I relaxed and I think the overall message was delivered as God intended!  The video turned out amazing!

What are your favorite lyrics from your CD?
From my 1st single “My Hallelujah”  
“My hallelujah
Hands to heaven
Every minute, every hour 
I'm surrounded by Your power
Holy, Holy
My King forever
Your mercy is a gift I'll never earn
And all I have to offer in return
Is my hallelujah”
Despite everyday earthly distractions our God is a merciful God, I am not deserving of anything my God has to offer me and the only thing I can offer him in return is my praise: “My Hallelujah”
Is there a website your fans can go to keep up with your music?  Here you will find 4 songs from the album and all lyrics, also the official music  video  for  “My Hallelujah.”
I also have a fan page on Facebook  Brandy Allison,” to find all tour dates and what’s next  (also friend me and get to know who Brandy Allison is).
I am also on Twitter @ballison424

What do you want people to take away from listening to your music?
No matter who you are, what path you are on right now, or what path you have taken, Jesus Christ is waiting for you!  It took me losing my husband to understand the love of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it takes something major to happen in our lives before we “wake up.” After all that I have done, I am not deserving of anything that the Lord has blessed me with, things as simple as waking up another day. I have learned to put everything I am and everything I will ever be in the hands of God. If things don’t pan out the way I want them to, I have learned to accept it because if we don’t, we tend to start holding resentment, and that is not at all what God plans for us. He loves us, and He is in control of our lives whether we like it or not!

Please share a testimony you would like people to know.
August 20th 2010. The day Josh was killed was the day God showed up in my life, and it is also the day I surrendered everything to Him. It’s by far the best and most important decision I have ever made!

When a tragedy like this befalls a couple this young, it’s impossible to predict how you’ll act, but I found a way to face my challenges without fear. While everyone around me seemed paralyzed by the utter shock of what had happened, I decided to be courageous and reaffirm my faith and strengthen my walk with Jesus.  It still took me time of grieving and prayerful contemplation to redirect myself as a servant of a living God. I had to be useful. I wondered: “What had God given me to use for His Glory?” It was during this time of uncertainty that I wandered into Best Buy and bought three CDs. I didn’t know anything about Contemporary Christian music, but I bought three of the best sellers: Casting Crowns, Third Day, and Amy Grant. I had been listening to country music and crying my eyes out every day until that point, but God started speaking to me through the lyrics of Christian music and each day had me feeling a little more positive. So at that time in my life I decided I was going to sing for His glory and that is why I am here doing what I do.


Brandi Ham said…
Good stuff here! I've known Brandy all my life and am super proud of her accomplishments! She's exactly where He wants her to be in life, and she is showing her ability to follow the right path regardless of the unknown that the future holds. I did (:
WendyHope said…
I have recently met Brandy in a singing competition I was performing in that she was judging. It was an honor to meet her. She has given me great advice and helped me by giving me tools to help me in my journey in becoming a singer. I believe she is a genuine person and her love of God is present when she sings. I wish her the best in everything. :)
Dawn said…
I was already following Brandy on fb & just started following her on Twitter. Her video is amazing & I am very excited for how God is using her. I plan to share this interview w/ others praying they can grow by your testimony. Thx Brandy! :D
Allen O'Dell said…
Praise God, that you found Jesus! You are an inspiration and will be ,keep focused on Jesus Its a blessing you see life the way you do ! Your heart testimony will be used by the power of God to bring people under conviction that they need that same assurance and hope. Its gonna up lift many . It has touched my heart seeing you praise God though your valleys and good times as well . God bless you! Read Romans 8:18 when you get a chance
Rebecca Mann said…
I liked her fb page! ;)
Thank you everyone who entered, and congratulations to Brandi Ham for winning the contest!

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