The age of the earth is believed by most Christians to be approximately 6,000 years old; there are some who date the earth a little older, at an even 10,000 years. These dates come as a result of the biblical genealogies, which I also believe is supported by science. Darwinism, on the other hand, requires the earth to be much older than 6,000-10,000 years. Because the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible, its supporters need time to make it even remotely plausible. Therefore, Darwinists have manipulated science for over a century to conclude that the earth is billions of years old. When one considers things like the continental drift, erosion of the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, the amount of space dust on the moon, and the shrinking sun, there is no room for billions of years. When NASA was gearing up to land on the moon, they estimated space dust to collect at a rate of half an inch for every thousand years, and what they found was three inche...