In 2011 I wrote a blog about Mark Driscoll . As stated before, the purpose of the post was for the education of those who were seeing quick soundbites of Driscoll, but who did not know about his crudeness, foul language, and what I believed to be disrespect towards our Lord. The blog was Driscoll in his own words, citing him with page numbers from his own books. Since November 29th, 2011, I have received many angry messages from the comment section and through email. Eventually I quit responding to them because they were all the same: telling me how no one is perfect and that Driscoll may have changed since those books were written. My response was always the same. If he has changed, he will apologize and we will see a changed man. Why did I want him to apologize? Not because I feel I am owed one (I'm certainly not), but because the apology is symbolic of his acknowledgment of the need to change. Well Mark Driscoll has apologized via an open letter on social media. He ...