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Furnishing the Tabernacle

 God gave Moses precise instructions on how to construct the tabernacle, and He equipped certain people with the skills to complete the task. Then He called for all the people to have some skin in the game, so the tabernacle would be furnished by each tribe bringing contributions.

In Exodus 35:4-5 we read, “Moses said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, ‘This is the thing that the LORD has commanded. Take from among you a contribution to the LORD. Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the LORD’S contribution: gold, silver, and bronze.’”

Each family was encouraged to do what they could so that the whole camp could benefit from a place of worship. We should still follow that model today.

In a 2013 article in Relevant titled “What Would Happen if the Church Tithed,” the author found that only 2.5% of Christians per capita give to the church, and that if all professing believers would give their 10% there would be an additional $165 billion, or enough to relieve world hunger, eliminate illiteracy, fund all mission projects, and solve all water and sanitation issues—with $100 billion left over.

Either the author’s math is wrong, or his conclusion is correct. Since we have not solved all the world’s problems, I lean towards the latter. Christians aren’t bringing their tithe into the storehouse. We can debate whether the tithe was old covenant and if we should still do that today, but the pattern in Exodus 35 was not part of the law; it was simply God’s people wanting to do what they could for the benefit of everyone else. 

If you aren’t a regular tither or giver to your local church, I would encourage you to become one. When we all have skin in the game, we become more interested in the results. We want to see the hungry fed and the missionaries funded, but it takes each of us pitching in. We don’t have a tabernacle to furnish, but there are plenty of good things that can be done if we do our part. 


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