The unknown author of Hebrews went to great lengths to tell us that Jesus is better. Using the word better 13 times in 13 chapters, the author shows that Jesus is better than Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Melchizedek; He gave a better promise, made a better sacrifice, mediated and better covenant, serves from a better temple, and is a better priest.
In the opening chapter Jesus is shown to be better than the angels, which the Jews held in very high regard. Alluding to Deuteronomy 32:43, the author reminds his audience that the angels worship Jesus, not the other way around: “And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him (Hebrews 1:6).’”
The Jews’ obsession with the angels bordered on the line of worshipping them. I realize you probably don’t struggle with the temptation to worship angels, but maybe you feel the pull to do something “religious.” The Hebrew Christians were battling the thought that Jesus was not enough, and that they needed to revert back to the old system with all its outward symbolism. It didn’t save them, but it made them feel like they were extra spiritual.
Maybe you find yourself thinking that extra volunteering or giving will score you extra points with God. That is no different than the Hebrews thinking their customs made them closer to God. Jesus alone is sufficient to save, and He is better—far better—than anything else.
The Jews of old would go down to the temple
For every hour of prayer and holiday festival;
They ate the right diet and brought sacrifice,
They dressed the right way every day of their life.
They’d follow the law right down to the letter.
Those things are good, but Jesus is better.
You volunteer and do charitable giving,
You come to the church where you’re always found serving;
Dressed in your Sunday best you shout “Amen!”
You’ve kicked old habits and won’t do them again.
You’ve done what you’re told, and you’ve done all the rest.
But Jesus is better. No, Jesus is best.