One of the supposed errors in the Bible that atheists are trained to use against Christians is that the Bible wrongly refers to birds as bats. This is one of those assumed discrepancies that are used to discredit the Bible. If the Bible is wrong about a bat, they argue, then we can reject what it says about homosexuality, hell, Creation, Calvary, or whatever else they are trying to oppose. Here are the verses in question: In a list of birds that the Israelites were not allowed to eat, we see, “Nor the heron, nor the lapwing, nor the bat (Leviticus 11:19, Deuteronomy 14:18).” People rightly point out that the bat is a mammal and not a bird. Therefore, they conclude, that the Bible is wrong. But please let me point out two things, one obvious, and the other not so obvious. The obvious: these passages were written in Hebrew 4,000 years ago, translated into Greek a few thousand years later, and translated into English a few hundred years ago. The system we have t...