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What to do Now

Some of our Christian brothers and sisters here in South Carolina are wondering what to do now in light of the Supreme Court ruling last Friday.

Christian business owners are worried that they will be forced to do something contrary to their belief system, and many are nervous that new rules will be imposed against the church. While the First Amendment not only guarantees us the freedom of religion, it also says that Congress shall not prohibit the free exercise thereof. That means that we have the right to conduct our daily lives in accordance with God’s Word.

But we have already seen a gay couple threaten to sue a church if they don’t open their doors for their gay wedding. We have seen bakers and photographers put out of business for refusing to violate their conscience (or refusing to allow Congress to prohibit the free exercise of their religion). Instead of finding a wedding chapel that will hold their ceremony, or instead of going to any of the hundreds of other bakers or photographers, these groups are refusing to stop until they destroy their opposition.

Some in the media are paying lip service to protection for churches, but most of us aren’t buying it. We believe it is only a matter of time before they try to chip away at our religious protection. Just hours after the ruling on Friday gay activists were calling to fight those who “hide behind religion.” That is why Texas Governor Greg Abbott just signed the Pastor Protection Act, guaranteeing that no pastors will ever be forced to perform any wedding against their will, and ensuring that their facilities will not be used for any purpose other than established church policy.  

It is time that we become proactive and let our Congress hear our voices. They are paid to represent our interests, and if this is important to you, then spend a few minutes writing a letter.

Here is a sample letter to send to your representatives:

Dear ________________________,

I am writing to you today with a very heavy heart. Friday, June 26th, was a very dark day for America. The Supreme Court Justices took it upon themselves to change the law of our Lord, the God upon whom this Nation was founded, when they made same sex marriage legal.

The reason for my letter is to ask you to please pass a law protecting our pastors and business people of South Carolina, guaranteeing them of their free exercise of religion, to not have to violate their deeply held religious beliefs. We still have some pastors who preach the Word of God as it was written. Please protect them before it is too late (please see: “Pastor Protection Act in Texas”).

I thank you in advance for your quick attention on this matter, and thank you for all that you do for our great State.


Here is a list of some of our elected officials. If you don’t live in South Carolina, you can go here and here to find your legislators.

Representative Mick Mulvaney
2419 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

Senator Lindsey Graham
290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator Tim Scott
520 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator Harvey S. Peeler, Jr.
213 Gressette Bldg.
Columbia, SC 29201

Representative Mike Anthony
432C Blatt Bldg.
Columbia, SC 29201

The Honorable Nikki R. Haley

Office of the Governor

1205 Pendleton Street
Columbia, SC 29201


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